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Soph's anime watchlist!!

(In alphabetical order)

1. A Place Further Than the Universe (2018)

2. Bablyon (2019)

3. Baccano! (2007)

4. Berserk (1997)

5. Boogiepop Phantom (2000)

6. Bungou Stray Dogs (2016)

7. Corpse Princess: Aka (2008)

8. Dear Brother (1991)

9. Den-Noh Coil (2007)

10. Electromagnetic Girlfriend (2009)

11. From the New World (2012)

12. Galaxy Express 999 (1978)

13. Ghost Hound (2007)

14. Ghost Hunt (2006)

15. Ghost in the Shell (1995)

16. Gurren Langan (2007)

17. Hell Girl (2005)

18. Hyouka (2012)

19. ID: Invaded (2020)

20. Kagami no Kojou (2022)

21. Kageki Shoujo!! (2021)

22. Kaiba (2008)

23. Kino's Journey (2003)

24. Le Portrait de Petit Cossette (2004)

25. Lucky Star (2007)

26. Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun (2022)

27. Magical Girl Site (2018)

28. Mekacucity Actors (2014)

29. Memories (1995)

30. Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury (2022)

30. Moriarty the Patriot (2020)

31. No. 6 (2011)

32. Noir (2001)

33. Penguindrum (2011)

34. Psycho-Pass (2012)

35. Revue Starlight (2018)

36. Sagrada Reset (2017)

37. Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei (2007)

38. Shadows House (2021)

39. Shamanic Princess (1996)

40. Sonny Boy (2021)

41. Space Runaway Ideon (1980)

42. Stars Align (2019)

43. Terror in Resonance (2014)

44. Texhnolyze (2003)